Wokingham Pride

We celebrated Wokingham Pride on 13th July in Elms field, Wokingham with many local people, organisations and visitors. What an amazing day from start to finish, we paraded, laughed, danced, and supported the lgbtq+ community as a proud ally, meeting and connecting with so many awesome people.

All communities are impacted by domestic abuse and violence, raising awareness and support is vital, thank you for such a warm welcome!

The event was even featured on the evening ITV news and a celeb or two popping by.

It was a busy day running our Kaleidoscopic stall of interactive crafts, facepainting and KUK/ Pride merchandise.

Our stall was described as the most colourful and fun, which was music to our ears and we can’t disagree 🙂

We can’t wait to do it all again next year, some of the amazing photos taken of the day are here to look through.

Spread love, light and unity, always xx