Southport Killings

We at Kaleidoscopic UK send our love, thoughts, hearts and prayers to all family and friends of Elsie, Bebe and  Alice as well as all those also attacked last week.

As someone who speaks from experience having had a little sister murdered aged 7 and still 30 years later awaiting justice..

We are valid to blame the perpetrator for their actions, we are justified in feeling angry, disgusted and all other emotions!!

What is NOT okay is to blame anyone else not connected..

This was yet another act of violence against women and girls..

Creating more violence and people to feel scared in their homes, streets, workplace and in the colour of their skin or religion is NEVER ok..

Never justified!!

Please think before you share in the hate and racism.

Please  realise it is love and unity that is ALWAYS needed  to overcome evil.

Anything else plays into the hands of those that wanted to create these disgusting acts of terror!!

The impacts on all who have been subjected to abuse and lived in fear are also massive.

Thank you, keep spreading love and light always 💛

Victoria Robertson BEM, Kaleidoscopic UK Founder and CEO