Charity Choir Concert

Clive Waterman, musical director of the 60-strong Reading Male Voice Choir and Vickie Robertson, founder and chief executive of Wokingham-based Kaleidoscopic UK, met earlier this year when they were presented with their British Empire Medals for services to the community!

Clive and Vickie hit it off instantly and Clive vowed he wanted to help Vickie’s vision of expansion which he upheld and delivered so wonderfully.

Kaleidoscopic and those we support are so thankful to Clive and all at the Reading Male Voice Choir and the A440 choir for the most beautiful, enchanting concert in order to raise awareness and funds for Kaleidoscopic UK during national domestic violence awareness month.

The performances on the night and setting were incredible and mesmerising. We were amazed with the huge turnout and support at this event and we managed to raise over £900!

We are absolutely blown away and very grateful for our CEO’s BEM bestie Clive Waterman who met at their medal ceremony and was moved to help support Vickie and the charity. He absolutely smashed it!

Thank you to everyone who supported, donated raffle prizes, joined us on the evening or sang in the choirs, what a truly special evening.

We are very thankful and hopeful of another one next year, to read more please click here

A reminder to keep singing always and raising voices for those who struggle to find theirs…

Vickie Robertson BEM

Choir Concert
Choir Concert